Volumes Seven, Eight & Nine Complete and Unexpurgated. Book Three
Introduction by Hilary E. Holt

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Brandon House, North Hollywood, 1967.  Soft Cover, approx. 951 pages.  Wraps have edge and cover wear, age spotting, colour chips along spine edges; tiny loss to upper front and lower rear corners; binding tight.  Interior clean and unmarked with tanned pages.  My Secret Life represents the largest known work in occidental erotic literature.  It must be regarded as a pathological case history rather than a mere biography of the intrepid sexual life of the anonymous author as he, naively, intended it to be. … The sociological lesson to be learned from a book like My Secret Life may be expressed in the following statement.  As long as our Western civilization tries to suppress one of the strongest human urges, sexual expression, we shall have to face the consequences:  a progressive deterioration of public mental health.’ (from Introduction)

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