Unabridged Translation of the 22nd (1966) Edition

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Dover, New York, 1967, later printing.  ISBN 0-486-21739-6.  Trade soft cover, 505 pages including Bibliography and Index, followed by a catalogue.  Very good; wraps show light edge and cover wear, light reading creases; binding sound.  Prior owner’s info on FEP; remainder of interior clean and unmarked.  Translated from the Spanish by Stanley Appelbaum and Clarence C. Strowbridge.  ‘Translated into English for the first time, under the supervision of Dr. Marias, the History of Philosophy presents a full, detailed, lucid history of Western thought from the pre-Socratics to the middle 20th century.  It provides very thorough surveys of basic figures, currents and trends, with background, biographical data (where possible), survey of literature, summary of ideas, critical evaluation, and historical significance in the chain of Western philosophy.’ (from rear wrap)

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