Signed card laid in

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H. K. Lewis, London, 1959, 1st Edition, 1st Printing.  Hard cover, 68 pages including Appendices and Index.  Very good; green cloth with black lettering on front and spine; bit of mottling on covers, binding sound, some corner, edge and spine wear.  Card jacket has been price-clipped, showing some edge and cover wear, a bit of soil, short edge tear at lower rear panel.  Pencil erasure on upper FEP; remainder of interior clean and unmarked.  Card laid in:  “From:  Alan Mozley Esq:”  ‘In this account I discuss series of events, in which living things play a part, that lead to a definite result.  They can be termed processes.  I refer to them as ecological processes because they embrace the relation and interaction of organisms and environment.’ (from Preface)

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