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Andre Deutsch, London, 1984, 1st.  ISBN 0-233-97615-9.  Hard cover, 326 pages.  Unread copy; price intact dust jacket has a few wrinkles in laminate, a few light creases.  ‘For Heinrich Himmler, it was the gambit that could win the war.  The Time: April 1943  The Goal: The Secret of the Atomic Bomb  The Hunter: Obersturmbannfuhrer SS Joachim Trattner, a killing machine so deadly that even his superiors fear him  The Prey: Albert Einstein, the dreamy, child-like genius of atomic matter. … Falling somewhere between Mash and Gravity’s Rainbow, Benjamin Stein’s new novel is both a gruesomely entertaining indictment of war and a uniquely original combination of high-octane suspense and sardonic wit.’ (from flaps)

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